Wednesday, February 25, 2004 @9:20 PM
Well, sometimes I beg to differ. I have been called back to teach at 7.15am today and flew down to school in half an hour. I think that was an amazing feat. I made my grand appearance into the school, with all the prefects looking at me as though I was some late comer. Thank God they still had the courtesy to greet me. Feels good to be back in school after lazing around for so long.
I heard that the teacher I'm supposed to relieve in March has already gone on maternity leave unexpectedly. Therefore I'm supposed to cover ALL her duties from now onwards for two whole months. Now, here comes the fantabulous news. After going one HUGE round, I'm back to being in charge of this 'wonderful' class that I simply love. Well, you see, last time when I taught for a month, I was the co-form of that 'lovable' class. Now, going one HUMONGOUS round, I'm back being the form teacher of my 'beloved' class. Ie. facing them every morning, marking attendance, teaching them history and English. Now, do I have a choice?
Well, that's not the best part. English classes are banded and thus people from different classes come together. As I stepped into class, one by one, the group of guys from various classes started strolling in like they're kings of the world. The irony came when I thought the group of guys would be the bane of my life. But no, Dan and gang (if i may group them as such) were nice to me. In fact, it was the dear dear Mr Z, whom I shall not name who totally burst my arteries. I do hope classes get better so that I can really teach. The discipline teachers walking around really helped a great deal. Thank God for them. One day, you people out there should come and take a look how timid my bunch of kids are when the discipline teachers come close. It's amazing. I truly respect those teachers.
Otherwise, the other classes were nice, friendly but way too hyper active. And ya, I'm stuck with the Sec 2 classes for two whole months. Wish me luck!...
With doomsday just around the corner, the naughty ones aren't really bothering me that much. Again, do I have or rather, will I have a choice when doomsday actually approaches? The agony of waiting really sucks. Big time. Get it over and done with!
Trying hard to push that important subject at the back of my mind. But somehow, it's not really working. Well, what can I say but let it be.
Thursday, February 19, 2004 @12:14 AM
Saturday, February 14, 2004 @1:17 AM
The Orphean Story
It's Greek. It's about a boy. It's a story about love.
Orpheus was the son of Apollo and the muse Calliope. Orpheus inherited from his mother the power to enchant every living creature with his music. When his love Eurydice was killed he descended into the Underworld to plead for her return. Orpheus enchanted Hades, the monarch of the Underworld, with his music and was permitted to leave with Eurydice. But there was one condition: on his journey back to the world above, Orpheus must lead Eurydice and not look back to see if she followed. Just as he reached the entrance to the Upperworld, fear overpowered him and he turned to see if she followed, thus losing Eurydice forever.
There was a boy
A very strange, enchanted boy
They say he wandered very far, very far
Over land and sea
A little shy and sad of eye
But very wise was he...
And then one day
One magic day
He passed my way
And while we spoke of many things
Fools and kings
This he said to me...
'The greatest thing you'll ever learn
Is just to love...and be loved in return.'
Truth, beauty, freedom and that which I believe in above all things... LOVE.
Sounding familiar? Yes yes, it's copyrighted. But I thought it's the perfect occasion for something like that. And so, as I walk along Orchard today there are hell lot of people selling flowers. Or girls with flowers in their arms looking ever so sweet. Amazing how great flowers go with girls.
The V Day atmosphere totally didn't soak in until I went onto the streets. People who are lovesick, don't venture onto the streets cos you'll get more depressed. Stay home and sit in front of the com. It makes you feel a little better. Ya right! Of course not! Get out of the house! Get some fresh air! And announce to the world that you're fine and dandy! How fast my views change... Hmmm...
I can't wait to get back to school, as in work, as in teaching. Sitting at home all day is driving me bananas. Other than the wonderful freedom I get. Waking up late. Have got NO curfew (simply cos there's no sch the nxt day). And bumming around my comfy home. Sounds like paradise. But no it's not. Every minute, every second I'm thinking of what to do and how to kill time. Get out of the house I'll say. But the inertia's always too great. Someone's got to start dragging me out of the house since morning to get me out in the afternoon. Am I lazy? Perhaps. =) Or maybe I just love my home too much. =)
Got a date? Errr... It depends.
And here you go, the origins of
Valentine's Day. Significance, meaning all in this story...
Valentines Day started in the time of the Roman Empire. Under the rule of Emperor Claudius II - Rome was involved in many bloody and unpopular military campaigns. Claudius the Cruel, as he was known at the time, was having a difficult time getting soldiers to join his military leagues. He believed that the reason was that roman men did not want to leave their loves or families. As a result, Claudius cancelled all marriages and engagements in Rome.
This was when a Christian priest named Valentine came to defend love in the empire. Valentine began to secretly marry couples despite the emperors orders. When Emperor Claudius was informed of these ceremonies Valentine was sent to prison where he remained until his death on February 14 in the year 270.
It wasn't until a few hundred years later when Valentine's Day began to develop as we know it. At the time Christianity was beginning to take control of Europe.
As part of this effort the Church sought to do away with pagan holidays. Valentine's Day came to replace a mid-February fertility festival called Lupercalia. In honor of his sacrifice for love Valentine was made a saint and Lupercalia renamed in his honor.
Until today the tradition of honoring Valentine continues. The themes of love and fertility taken from the ancient meanings of the holiday have endured and evolved with our contemporary adaptations of its meanings.
Falling in love consists merely in uncorking the imagination and bottling the common sense.
--Helen Rowland
Sunday, February 08, 2004 @1:40 PM
Yes yes, I'm still alive. Haven't vanished from the surface of the Earth unlike some people. You guys know who you are. So, do please let me know that you're still alive! =)
Sometimes when our roles are reversed, it's truly a whole new experience. Shocking, astounding and perhaps extremely refreshing. Teaching has an amazing experience. One that can't be simply put into words. Sometimes, when I get terrible little brats I'll always remember having that conversation with Ms Leong saying that it's kind of like "retribution" since we were as naughty when we were students. But I was never so mischievous and naughty. At least I don't think I was. I think I have been pretty obedient, nice and angelic when I was a student. Wasn't I? =)
The little devils kill my niceness and totally break my limits. And thus end up screaming at them. Of which I think a lot of you out there can't imagine me doing that. But I think some things come naturally when you're teaching. Like taking one of my student's existence out of the class when he's unforgivably rude. He still doesn't exist in my life up till this point of time. You're not nice to me hence I'm not nice to you. Don't say I haven't given you any chance because I have. Until you show any repentance, I will still not show you any respect.
Sounds mean? Well, he asked for it. Thank God there are little angels who surround me too. They are the ones who make me want to stay. Who brighten up my day. They're friendly towards me, yet at the same time showing me lots of respect. Three cheers to you guys! And of course, there are students who take me like their good friend, trying to ask me out. And believe it or not, they're only sec 2s! "Miss Ong, give me your number leh..."
"Give me one good reason why I should since I'll be seeing you everyday in school. Wait till it's my last day then you come and hunt me down. Perhaps I'll give you my number."
I smile and then walk away. I'm overjoyed that they enjoy my lessons, and really honoured to have such delightful kids. But their "straightforwardness" comes too much as a shock at times.
There was once I went to sit in for this teacher because I had a free period and the teacher had something urgent to attend to. And yes, I teach that class music. Of course they did the usual "Good morning Miss Ong". Before I can settle down to mark my stuff, this whole group of boys came over to the teacher's table and started talking to me. Sometimes I wonder, I must have an extremely friendly face. And the conversation was about anything under the sun like "How old are you?"
I told them I was 30. Thee obviously didn't believe. I refused to say and they say they'll keep guessing. Since they didn't hit the right age, they still have no idea how old I am.
My sec4 classes are extremely fun to teach. Love them so much. Teaching English is so fun. Though I think marking English isn't that fun. Probably one of the most tedious subjects to mark. But anyhow, my sec4 kids make everything bright and cheery. So I'm happy. =)
I think I should talk about the angels more than the brats. Makes me feel better too. I think I'll miss the school when I leave. Oh yes, now I truly know what goes on in the Staff Room when all the teachers chill and go bananas. I'm thankful for the experience and for meeting so many other people.
A candle loses nothing by lighting another candle.
--Erin Majors