Sunday, February 26, 2006 @1:14 AM
one problem resolved*phew*
Saturday, February 25, 2006 @10:42 PM
can't breatheHave been feeling like I'm suffocating, with things going wrong at every single moment. People doing the wrong things. It's just frustrating. You know sometimes you really have to be patient. And I think I have been. But it still doesn't work. AND, it becomes worse when it's someone you can't bear to scold or tell off just because he's way too mild!
Well, but worse things happen when there are people whom you know you can tell off and it'll end up kaputt. Looks like things just vanished into thin air and really, nothing ever lasts perhaps other than God's love. I don't expect too much, but when things become a cycle and keeps repeating, it just tears through my heart. Nothing gets resolved. Nothing.
With Touch coming up, a zillion and one project research to do, readings, mid-sem tests. My sincere apologies to my group mates like KC, James that I've been quite inefficient during this period. I'm really sorry!
I really can't breathe, or even catch my breath. So if I appear to be down and out when you see me, a cheerful greeting or just a simple smile will help. =)
Really, or just pray for me.