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Saturday, July 29, 2006 @12:43 AM

the month of july

It has been an eventful month. So many things happened, exciting things though! :)

God has been steering in crusade. I'm always awed by the things that You do, always amazed. How meetings have been affirming and assuring that we're on the right track. Even before I list any objectives, the rest of the committee will come out with exactly the same objectives! It's simply divine, and it's incredible how everything is going in one straight path. From ST retreat to Blast-Off to Prayer Comm meeting. I thank God for the amazing people in Prayer Comm, for their enthusiasm, for also hearing God! The team I have is awesome! I can't ask for a better team of people! Cheryl, Ruby, Stacey, Ian, Elaine and Gail. I'm excited and looking forward to a year of serving God with you guys.

I'm thankful for the people in crusade, whether you're freshmen, or my peers or my seniors, I thank God for every single one of you. Thank you for being encouraging and ever so supportive! Thank you for just a simple "How have you been?" or a warm smile that greets me. The Servant Team and the staff, thank you for also cheering me on and always being on the ball about everything. Thank you for sharing all your experiences and also being open about ministry. =) Gail, Liting, Peiyu, Desmond, Melvin, Joanna, Lindy and Peggy, I've learnt humility and servanthood from you guys. Thank you for simple being part of this team. Each of you are chosen by God, and called to be in this special Servant Team that He has created!

ST retreat - Blast Off - Arts BBQ fellowship - Prayer Comm Meeting. Pics will be up soon! =)

I think my involvement in quartet, music stuff, crusade has caused me spend less time with Jon. Well, not I think, but it has definitely caused me to spend less time with him. To the extent where I'll ask myself the purpose of the relationship that we have. I guess we've come to a point where we're both active in different areas, and we have to find sufficient time to be accountable to one another, to be supportive and encouraging to one another. I guess there's always a time for us to start learning. When we both start a new chapter of our lives. For you it'll be starting work, for me, it'll be starting ministry in crusade and being a Year 3 in campus.

I think God has placed music in my life for various reasons. Thank God for quartet, for Leslie and for the coaches that have taught us. This kind of friendship between us has been an awesome gift. For the times we've performed together, the ups and downs of quartet, the highs and lows of coaching. You guys have been tremendous. Thank you for bearing with my unrefined playing. Through music I've learnt so much, how to listen, how to be sensitive, everything's just so applicable in the life that I live. Playing music is really not about me, but about others, and how I can better fit into other's playing. Espcially in chamber music. Which probably explains why I love chamber music so much. =) Thank God for music.

This whole holiday I've been doing a lot of thinking. I think travelling on my own opens my eyes, makes me see things I've never seen before. When I play with ACS Alumni Orchestra, I see kids who play like there's no tomorrow, how they dare to really play even though they rush ahead and come in at wrong entries. Though it doesn't seem like a good thing, I've kinda learnt something from it. Kids being kids, they do not know or feel ashamed. Just play! That's their attidue. It just reminds me of how as a child, I've been innocent before, I've been not afraid before. But now, as we mature, we tend to be more tentative, hesitant. It teaches me to have faith like a child, how I should be dependent on Him and not worry about anything else because He'll provide, even if I fall, He'll pick me up. Kids are amazing people. Well, they aren't really kids, but they are much younger than me! Like I think lower sec or upper primary.

My cell group, thank you for praying alongside me, and also being willing to hear me talking about the stuff happening in school. =)

Prayer Comm is committing the entire into God's hands, clinging onto this verse. It is also my prayer that I'll grow to be dependent on Him, and not on my own strength/wisdom.

Unless the LORD builds the house,
its builders labor in vain.
Unless the LORD watches over the city,
the watchmen stand guard in vain.
Psalm 127:1

Friday, July 14, 2006 @1:40 PM

Australia Post strives to achieve a very reliable mail delivery service.

That's what it says on that plastic envelope.

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The card came in this format. I've never seen anything like that before. So I thought it was some special mail. YES! It was a special mail from Melbourne, 6061km away! But torn to bits =( Thanks to Australia Post.

As stated on the plastic sheet that wrapped the torn envelope and card, it said: "The enclosed article sent to/by you is damaged/delayed as a result of a malfunction by our machinery."

That machine must have been quite powerful, torn a huge chunk of my card away! And so Andy, I couldn't read most of your message, thank God Sarah's message wasn't chopped off. Oh yes, on the plastic sheet it also said that I can actually trace the loose item, ie. the part that was torn off but their incredulous machine. Initially I was shocked at how a card sent from Melbourne to Singapore can turn out like that, but after a while, I thought it was quite funny. hehe. Thanks Andy and Sarah for sending that card over! It was awesome, and also another reminder that I'm already 21.

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So there's my card. =)

Tuesday, July 04, 2006 @2:16 AM

I'm 21!

Now I know why people start wondering why are 21st birthdays such a big hooha. Well, I'm asking myself that too. I think all the hassle of planning a SPECIAL 21, a meaningful 21, a SURPRISE 21 birthday takes A LOT OF TIME and planning. Nevertheless, I've been to great 21st birthdays, which are not the sort where you sit down and eat, grabbing food from a row of catered food in metal containers over a nice warm fire.

Don't get me wrong, there's absolutely nothing wrong with such birthdays. Just that it seems like everyone's just celebrating over food, and not celebrating over the birthday girl/boy. But, the good thing is that you'll see people you haven't seen in ages, and it'll be a good oppurtunity for a pri school, sec school or JC/Poly gathering. Maybe kindergarten too, if you remembered your little friends' numbers.

Stress to all the boyfriends who'll have to please their girlfriends during 21st birthdays. Well, it doesn't really help when you have more romantic/initiative guy friends who spend like 1 year (or it seems) planning for the girl's 21st birthday party, or even just spending the day together in a special way. Then you'll just wish that he'll pick up a thing or two. But no, well, I guess I got to be satisfied with who God provided me with. I am happy! =) But, sometimes I think he ought to take some lessons on how to be more romantic and sensitive! I think his birds get more attention than me! hehehe.

I have NO idea why I'm rambling off at 2.28am in the morning of July 4th. But, I do know that I loved all your company on the Sunday that just passed. Jon, Cheryl, Jon Chan, Em, Joel, Terence, Nick, Ivan, Corrie (who dropped by for 3 mins! =p), Sharon, Amelia, Stephie, Marnch, Daryl, TV, Mark Chai, thanks for making my 21st "surprise" party a great one. hehehe.

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Dinner that can fit ALL on a long table. =)

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Yummy food! Thank God the boyfriend and me have the same taste, so I guess he ordered food that he liked.

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Lovely ladies!

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The boyfriend/planner/photographer. Have to give him some credit. =)

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The gang! minus the photographer/boyfriend. =)

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The gang, with the photographer!

What will I do without friends like you guys! I don't know! heheh.

I'm 21st on Jul 4th, the day beckons.


Xin Yi
Child of God
Psalm 27:4

let my heartbeat be my heart's cry let me live to serve your call
in my life, Your will be done

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Bible Verses
Political Humour
Instrument Jokes
The Straits Times
Swingle Singers

Jon Cheah
Joel L
Nicholas Poa
Elaine L

Campus Crusade for Christ NUS

Older and Wiser
Matt John
Gabriel P
Matt Siew
Jason Lim
Kevin Moe
Pak Kei
Mel Khong
Mel Goh
Joon Hong
Shaun Ho
Jon Ong
Mel Wong


Still Memories
snap! snap!
snap! snap! snap!



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